
Why Do I Need Sunlight?

Vitamin D is important but to produce it, sunlight is needed. The sunlight exposed to the skin causes your body to produce vitamin D, which helps the body to absorb and use calcium and phosphorus and helps the body build and repair bone mass.

Scientists are now relating Vitamin D deficiencies to such diseases as cancer, high blood pressure, depression, seasonal effective disorder, immune system disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and even diabetes. Sunlight may be beneficial in avoiding such diseases.

Sunlight serves as a disinfectant. Have you ever noticed that areas that don’t receive much sunlight tend to grow mold, mildew, bacteria and other germs? Thus, allowing the sun to shine into our homes and other dwelling places, helps to keep harmful microbes from thriving in places that they should not be.

Sunlight at the right times helps to control sleep patterns. Exposure to sunlight causes certain hormones of the body to go up and down to make you wake up and get to sleepy.

The Sunlight shining on plants produces carbohydrates from the CO2 we breathe out --- that’s how we get our food. Otherwise, we would starve.